I did a stupid thing. I tried to update the Kernel from 2.2.X to 2.2.16
using the Update manager. Little needs to be said -- it didn't work. In fact
my system won't boot anymore. I get a System Panic can't mount root fs on
08:05. Anyway I need to back out of the Kernel upgrade. Does update manager
move the old Kernel and system.map ..etc to backups or does it overwrite

I know I need to run a recovery shell. I'm using 'tomsrtbt ver 2.0.37' I can
boot with a floppy but I can't seem to mount the root (/) sda5 disk where my
original Linux is stored. Any help beyond this point would be great,
especially when I finally get the /boot mounted what do I do to repair the
flubbed-up Kernel upgrade? Anyone have any answers...?

Fernando Proietto
Linux 7.1

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