Andri Genio wrote:
> Pentium 200 out perform II 450 ? no way man
> give me the same computer! it's better !
> about the powerpoint ! linux has it in the staroffice
> --- Jeremy Sudderth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Good news everyone.  I have a convert.  My company
> > has decided to have a
> > contest.  Here are the terms:
> > 1.  I have to set up a Linux server on a pent. 200
> > w/ 64 megs RAM 8 gig IDE
> > hdd.
> > 2.  It has to run the fileserver, proxy, firewall,
> > and DHCP services.
> > 3.  It has to out perform the current NT system.(PII
> > 450 w/ 128 megs RAM
> > 4x9.1 gig SCSI RAID 5)
> >
> > Here are the rewards:
> > 1.  All servers in the company will be converted.
> > 2.  All desktops and laptops will be converted,
> > provided I can find
> > something that will run PowerPoint.
> > 3.  The Linux community as a whole will be bettered.
> >
> > So everyone, give me all the input you have and lets
> > kick some MS but$.
> >
> > TIA,
> >
> > Jeremy

seriously, i don't think you can have an IDE hard drive outperforming
SCSI hard drives.

i am less concern with the CPU, but the RAM should be the same as well.  

anyway, if the people on this list are going to help, you probably need
to be more specific about the hardware configuration (eg. what sort of
ethernet card?  hard drive speed?  cdrom speed?  motherboard?  SCSI
support?  video card?  cache?  etc...)

besides what sort of benchmarkings are you going to use?

also are you comfortable running linux without the x windows system (ie.
complete command line driven interface)

sydney, australia

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