On Friday 05 January 2001 15:03, you wrote:
> Many thanks for your e-mail. I would be more than willing to participate as
> a tester for next distro. However , I feel I should point out that I am a
> genuine newbie. If this does not matter to you , please send more
> information. This is a task willingly undertaken in view of your assistance
> to others on newsgroups I have read in the past. I have a cable access. My
> home address is as follows:-
> Steve Maytum
>  17 Florence Road
>   Maidstone
>     Kent
>      ME16 8EN
>        U.K.
> Thanks in advance. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you.

Yes, first impressions are very important.  We need to know what sounds 
condescending and what sounds like magic.  Obviously, you have the status of 
a true newbie tester only once because you are likely to learn enough in this 
testing session to be helping people on the newbie list.

I will be checking into seting up a mailing list server just for testing, 
because we will likely need it.  Also, of course, I am pledging my personal 
and direct help via email in configuring your system to the final product--a 
product your contribution will help create.  

The teste?  Well you load a little extra software that phones home with your 
tester number and your complete hardware configuration--nothing else will be 
read.  You will conduct tests according to a standard protocol which we are 
finishing up as I write to you, and you can file reports using our assistant 
program (still in coding but largely complete) or a special website (https 
type)  The source of the test protocols and the destination of data are the 
same in either case.

Here is a sample test:  This test is not to make a go/nogo decision on the 
software or to correct all the bugs since it doesn't belong exclusively to 
us, but rather to assist the makers in making better software  and to assist 
the users in deciding how to use it.  This postscript file should be viewable 
in linux.



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