Hi all,

Can some kind soul help me with this problem?  I've wasted a few days on
this and didn't get very far...8-<

We have a Compaq SP750 (dual P3 Xeon) with LM 7.1 installed and connected to
our corporate intranet (NT4).  I have been struggling to set up printing to
a SMB printer on the corporate network.  I learned the hard way that I had
to remove printpro.  In my struggle I also removed lpr, printtool and
rhs-filters (and others) to try and get cups to install.  I finally got cups
1.1.5 rpm from the cups site to install.  I also upgraded samba-common,
samba, and samba-clients to 2.0.7.

I can use smbclient and smbprint (slightly modified) to print, but I can't
get cups to print.  The status says "printer lp is disabled - Unable to
connect to SAMBA host: Success".  I checked Till's article, and it says to
use kups.  I checked out kups, and it requires KDE2 (along with other
packages).  I do *not* want to upgrade to KDE2 (yet), since I have LM7.2
with KDE2 at home and it is not as stable as KDE1.

So, can someone tell me how to setup the SMB printer under cups?  Where do I
specify username and password?  Can I use some magic filter with this setup
(such as rhs-filters)?  How?

Also, the Linux box is being used by several people in my group.  How do I
configure the system so that everyone will be using his/her own NT username
and password to print to the SMB printer?

Thanks a bunch in advance!


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