> My old machine is a Pent 200 w/64mb ram, and I need to replace it as its so
> slow as to be painful in X windows apps (Netscape 30 sec to 1 min per screen
> change).  The machine is maxxed out CPU wise, and memory could only be
> upgraded by tossing the 64mb, max is 128mb.  

Uh, Dude, I think you may have something else going on/misconfigured.  I
have a couple of P200, one with 64meg and 1 with 96, and both run pretty
darn well (the 64 meg machine is 7.1, the other 7.2).  Not a lot of
difference in speed between them and my PIII 733 with 128 meg.  In fact,
I use the 96 meg machine more than any other (I'm using it now).  A P200
is perfectly adequate for Linux, IMO.  I like Gnome, but have been
running kde2.0 on 7.2 a lot lately, and it's certainly not slow.  So, if
you can't run on a 200/64 I would refer to my first sentence.

Oh yeah, Netscape loads slow for me too--even with the 733, the nature
of the beast, but once it loads it runs pretty fast (at least as fast as
my crummy rural lines will let it).

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