->Its probably trying to lookup hostname "darkforce" from the network and
->can't find it? 
->Same thing happens to me when I change mine. 
->For example the Floyd County Library here in Prestonsburg uses netins.net
->as the hostname. It can look that up on the network. 
No I don't.  I use starfury.netins.net as my hostname for linux as well
as my windows boot on that machine (got the 30gig installed friday)
netins.net simply is the email service I have used for the last 8 years
and since you know I hate change, I don't wanna switch.

tho you are probably correct in the actual diagnosis.  probably a hosts file
that needs to be updated but since I have never installed linux without
a network to put it on (even my home network) I have had no problems 
like this.

 Carl Lafferty | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.netins.net/showcase/carl
 -The-UQWK-guy-| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | http://www.fclib.org
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