On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 00:17:21 -0600, Vic said:

>   ****I'm getting ()*&(*^&% off.!!
>    this is not a challenge it is an impossibility!!
>    Same f@#$@#$% ing trash over and over again.

 Settle down, take a few deep breaths, and short walk in the woods,
 But not neccasarily in that order.

 My next few comments are not intended to be demeaning - ok?

 I'm getting on a bit now but I, like you, am learning more and more
 everyday I climb into Linux as you will too.

 It's important to take one step at a time at this early stage.

 It's also important to readup as much as you can - there is an
 emense volume of info out there.

 There are several very good websites to look thru and two of the
 best (my view) are:
 Both of these sites have heaps of very helpful information on them.
 and you should take the time to peruse them - ok?

 Right then. I've come late into this thread, I haven't been following
 your tribulations, but it would appear you are have difficulty getting
 your cdrom(s) recognised.

 Question #1 - which distribution are you using?
 Question #2 - How many CDROM drives do you have?
 Question #3 - are you able to READ from either drive yet?

 I'm happy to try and help you from here (16 hours into your future),
 however Tom Brinkman is one of the most useful help utilities you 
 have right nor right here on the list - take note on EVERYTHING he
 has to say regardless of the subject - you'll run into these things I 
 promise!!   (Apoligies to Tom!!)

 Email me direct if you wish - I'll try to help.



                         Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
       (The UNIX Programmers' Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972)

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