On Wednesday 17 January 2001 01:43, you wrote:
> On Wednesday 17 January 2001 12:00 am, Carl Lafferty wrote:
> > A friend of mine not on the list yet (she teaches
> > a great deal of the time) has some problems with
> > x3270.  on my 7.2 install I can use it to connect just  fine
> > but everytime she tries to run it it says
> > "internal reconfiguration error"
> >

It works on my 7.2 install, If she is having problems try uninstalling 
x3270 & reinstalling it, something might be missing. If that does not 
work, try rebuilding the binary rpm from the source rpm and reinstalling 
that one. It might be some sort of library mismatch.

>     Me either and i don't even know her.  What's a 'x3270' ?

Sort of like an xterm, but it emulates a tn3270 for IBM big iron boxes.

> OK, I did a google on it out'a curiousity, and their homepage says if
> you don't know what it is ... you don't need one
> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/7814/
> ..... damn this list is fun ;>

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

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