> >   Only a clue, sorry.  I'd recently been at postfix's Web site &
> > am pretty sure I'd seen something about this in their support
> > docs...maybe a faq.  I think though...

> > > Do I have to setup something in the postfix configs to allow
> > > downloading of mail?

> > ...it's something to do with your loopback.  I've read of
> > something which I think was simillar with sendmail that if
> > in...um, I can't think of the file, but it lists only loopback &
> > host name in /etc (/etc/hosts?).  Sometimes the order of the two
> > is wrong.

> >   As for a file which ~might~ show something wrong, try
> > /etc/postfix/main.cf

> >   Meph

> Can't seem to find anything wrong in either of the files, know
> anything more specific about the loopback thing ?

  Hmm.  Maybe if you can post the lines dealing with mail &
network in your ~./.netscape/netscape.js file?  We may find
something odd there.

  I'd worked as a tech for a couple of isp's.  While the kind of
thing you're experiencing isn't ~exatly~ something I've come
across, I -- or others -- may find something in your Messenger
config not right....


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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