
On Sunday 28 January 2001 12:14, you wrote:
> A note ahead of time, microsoft advocates who may be
> reading this list, please forgive any accidental implied
> windows bashing, its not what I intend to say, just that
> I like Linux.
> In spite of all that happends, config errors or bunk-ups
> in code, or upgrade boogers, I still love linux,
> you can see what is going on under the bonnet if you
> know where to snoop, this is why I left windows for linux,
> linux gives me what I need, stability, and the ability to
> take a pounding, 30 windows open and 20 other apps
> running all at the same time, and all without a crash,
> providing the software releases that are running on
> this machine are stable releases, and best of all,
> even during the worst of times, when an app crashes,
> like Knotifv is doing alot recently, its just minorly
> irritating, instead of devastatingly taking down
> the whole machine with it.
> Thank Mr. Torvalds that you can't (well at least I have never
> been able to) totally crash Linux unless you physically
> booger with the hardware when its turned on.
> Thank you Linus, and thanks to Mandrake for
> taking alot of the 'too hardness' out of Linux
> and making it easier for me to learn.
> And no I was not paid to say this and I'm
> not sucking up I'm just counting blessings
> yes there are still some genuine people
> left in this world and I believe I am one of them.
> Thank you again.

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