Its been a while since I have re-installed 7.2, but I will be doing it 
soon, and I've installed about 5 or 6 times. I have always been prompted 
with what type of install do you want to do, and select Expert, and then 
workstation. I then set up my partitions, select what partitions are to be 
formatted or not, select all my packages, and then its off to the races. 
When all is done, then comes printer, network, etc setup. I can't remember 
about the /tmp wipe prompt, but I know its there. This is all from the 7.2 
ISO images I downloaded from the Mandrake site.  Yes, it uses DiskDrake, 
but then what else would  Mandrake GUI-driven  install use ?

I'm not sure at all what you could be doing such that you don't get all the 
flexibility that is available in the install. One thing I have wished for 
is the ability to save my selected install packages on floppy, so that I 
don't have to pick them all over again at each install.  Possibly are you 
selecting to Upgrade instead of clean install ? I haven't tried the upgrade 
option, but maybe that does not give the options to select packages, as it 
will find out your installed base automatically.


At 12:00 PM 1/29/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>On Sunday 28 January 2001 07:38 pm, you wrote:
> > I presume that since you posted on the newbie forum that you are a
> > newbie, at least to Mandrake.
>I have a caldera box, and I have been using mandrake since v6.2 yeah, I am
>still new.  Frankly this kind of question on the expert forum would have been
>a joke-IMO.  Not to mention the fact,  I was on both forums and the inbound
>email exceeded my ISP limits and bounced mail (200 ea messages and unlimited
>size-I had too many messages),  carefull if you might think about judging
>someone, you don't know what their circumstances are, I am also on 5
>different IPSEC lists and a few other misc programming lists.  I get about
>100-150 pieces of mail in ea. 8 hours.
> > Why
> > don't you give it another try by reinstalling and choose the
> > 'recommended' option and use the DiskDrak
> > partitioner (expert).
>Sorry that can't be done, because
>1. The First thing that is asked is keyboard, then which partitions do you
>want.  Wipe DIsk, use existing, or expert.   I ALWAYS use expert.
>Choice of using anything other than DiskDrake is not available, choice of NOT
>formatting partitions is also not available.   Choice if installation class
>is NOT available, choice of what the system is used for is NOT available.
>Note: even so, I have no problem with this formatting because I always back
>up my /home - /root to a winblows partition before I start tweeking on the
>system.  SO, all I have to do is re-copy my .bashrc, bookmarks, firewall
>scripts etc  back over.  It's relatively painless.  Cept I hate the fact that
>ipchains is never installed.
>The thing I DO have a problem with is the fact that I am NEVER prompted with
>the following menus:
>Please choose one of the following classes of installation:
>Furthermore I am NEVER prompted with:
>What is your system used for:
> >Clear out all the current Mandrake partiitions
> > and start anew, about 100 MB for 'swap'
> > and 1.5GB (min)  for  /.    If your Mandrake is 7.2 ( 2 CD), use perhaps
> > 2 GB for /
>Um, that's all great advice, in fact if this was version 7.1 that would be
>perfect advice.  In this case, it does not apply.  I gave quite a bit MORE
>space to Linux. (athough maybe my /home is a tad bit too small and I may add
>another 2G from windows to it,  still, over time,  I have decided my
>partitions are as follows:
>[root@localhost /root]# df -h
>Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>/dev/hdc14            5.1G  2.5G  2.4G  51% /
>/dev/hdc3              65M  1.0M   60M   2% /boot
>/dev/hdc13            242M  119M  110M  52% /home
>/dev/hda1             2.0G  989M  1.0G  48% /mnt/win_c
>/dev/hdc1             2.0G  373M  1.6G  18% /mnt/win_c2
>/dev/hda5             2.0G  390M  1.6G  19% /mnt/win_d
>/dev/hdc5             2.0G 1018M  1.0G  50% /mnt/win_d2
>/dev/hda6             2.0G  683M  1.3G  33% /mnt/win_e
>/dev/hdc6             2.0G  945M  1.1G  46% /mnt/win_e2
>/dev/hda7             1.8G  1.6G  276M  85% /mnt/win_f
>/dev/hdc7             2.0G  729M  1.3G  36% /mnt/win_f2
>/dev/hdc8             2.0G  287M  1.7G  14% /mnt/win_g
>/dev/hdc9             2.0G  938M  1.1G  46% /mnt/win_h
>/dev/hdc12            290M  103M  172M  37% /root
>/dev/hdc11            233M  951k  220M   0% /tmp
>[root@localhost /root]#
>there's 260MB allocated to "SWAP"
>I calculated it like this
>2*128MB of system ram = 256 rounded up to an even 260.
> >
> > I'm just a newbie to Linux too so I can't help much in troubleshooting.
> > All I can say is use care during
> > the installation.
>I've tried everything in the Book that comes with the "COMPLETE" version 7.2
>There's only 1 class install, the one Mandrake itself picks.
>Now then, I have just built a NEW A7V + K7 800MHz + 128MB PC-133 ram, and the
>install is the same, no choices at all.
>linux expert ide1=noautotune
>linux expert
>bla bla bla bla bla....... it doesn't EVER prompt me with those cool screens
>that were available in Mandrake 7.1 !!!!!!!!!!
>Another thing that isn't prompted is
>do you want to wipe your /tmp on boot option y/n=
>I have my /tmp on a seperate 233MB partiton and YES i want it wiped!!!!!!!
>another thing that isn't prompted is
>do you want to install a printer?
>another thing that isn't prompted is the choice of EACH package (over 1000)
>(it was available in Mandrake 7.1, it isn't in 7.2!)
>okay, another thing, the development stuff is either uncompatable or screwed
>up.  No Kdevelop, no KdeStudio, a bunch of libraries are missing, the QT and
>KDE paths have to be manually set or you can't compile anything.
>ON the plus side, I like the fact that most of those webserver[s] and
>exploitable stuff isn't installed by default.   I like having to manually add
> >
> > Actually, I prefer 7.0 to 7.2.......easier installation.
> >
> > Good luck.
>I didn't like 7.0 It had a lot of bugs.  7.1 was great!  but I had to have
>that konqueror.
>another thing I hate, is searching for help on
>it never friggin comes up with any of the keywords I put in, and it never
>points to the file needed to fix anything (I end up with a ton of friggin
>windows open rpmfind, linux-mandrake, ftpsearch., bla bla.....
>Okay, flame[s] comment[s] suggetion[s] workaround[s] fix[s] are welcome.

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