Yeah, that's the same problem I had when I tried to install from the rpm. 
 So, here's what you do with that source RPM.  It's quite easy...

First log in as Superuser and go to the directory with your source RPM.

Then type in the following commands:

        rpm -i gnapster-1.4.2-1mdk.src.rpm

Now we'll make and compile the new gnapster binary RPM:

        rpm -bb /usr/src/RPM/SPECS/gnapster.spec

Let's find where it put the new binary RPM:

        find /usr/src/RPM/RPMS -name gnapster*.rpm

Last step, installing the RPM:

        rpm -U /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/iX86/gnapster-1.4.2-1mdk.iX86.rpm

That should be it!


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 2/1/01, 7:35:48 AM, marcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding 
Re: [newbie] gnapster:

> Dear Seve and Sridahr, Thank you for the ftp sites.

> I did get the gnapster rpm and install but I get an error message that
> says: gnapster: error in loading shared libraries: gnapster: undefined
> symbol: stat. Does anyone know what this means?

>  I could download the source rpm except I have not done that kind of
> thing before. Is that difficult? Does it require compiling? I have never
> done that sort of thing yet. Any suggestions or help will be
> appreciated. Thanks again. Marcia

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