On Thursday 01 February 2001 05:47 pm, Romanator wrote:

> I own two Dell computers and have never had a problem. I think "junk"
> is a little extreme.

   They currently have an add on TV for a 933mhz PIII for $999.  A lot 
of built in junk on a Dell motherboard.  Yes, the supplier for the 
board is Intel, but Dell buys in such a large volume that they tell 
Intel just how to make the board, and more importantly ... what to 
downgrade, what to leave off, what to make 'Dell only' (proprietary).  
Hence my NSHO, that Dell sux

   Motherboards and power supply are the foundation for any system. Cut 
corners there, make it limited, substandard, and proprietary,  suck up 
to M$ and PC Mag, and you can with a lot of $$'s spent on TV and 
magazine adds convince the masses that your junk is the 'best'.

   That said, for the average user, ready mades like Dell, aren't that 
bad. They make sure that at least their junk will work ... as shipped.
Just don't try an' change it.

    Read some hardware/overclocking sites, get some hands on, initmate 
even, experience with desktop hardware, and I believe the chances are 
you'll come to the opinion (which is all I've stated) is that ready 
mades are junk, proprietary, limited, and substandard.

     Now there's not much sense in moanin 'bout ready made junk without 
suggesting an alternative 

   I believe they're being real charitable in terming Dell's as "mass 
products of more or less acceptable quality"   YMMV

Tom Brinkman             [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Galveston Bay

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