El Sábado 27 Enero 2001 12:27, Goldenpi escribió:
> My 20gig is only showing up as 8gig. I know that is the bios. Its some
> weird costom-made chip by hewlett-packard and my motherboard wont take an
> upgrade. So I need a new motherboard. Until then, linux is dead. The drive
> is currently storeing some cd images and files of mine under windows in my
> other machine.

I have a 20 GB HD that in Windows (because of my old BIOS) is recognized as a 
8 GB one, but Linux recognizes it as the 20 GB it is and works without 
problems. Maybe I don't have any problems because it is my 2nd. HD, and my 
boot partition is on the first disk (my root and other stuff is on the 2nd. 
one). It seems that the Linux boot loader uses the BIOS in the booting 
process, but after that Linux just ignores the BIOS and uses its own FS 
John David Molina

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