On Wednesday 07 February 2001 18:42, you wrote:
> Knowing that this list belongs to Mandrake users. I want to know the
> bunch of reasons why you picked up mandrake´s distribution.
> I am about to make my decision about wich distribution, that is why I
> joined the list.
> I am newbie not only to mandrake distribution but to linux as well.
> Of course I would like to know the downs of this distribution.
> I know that sometimes picking a distribution is matter of preference as
> is choosing the flavor of an ice cream on a sunny day.
> So feel free to toss your opinions as silly or crazy as they might
> seem.

I originally chose Mandrake as my distro of choice back with release 6.0, 
one of my main reasons was that I had read a redhat book and Mandrake was 
laid out the same way. Mandrake was chosen over rh for 4 reasons

#1 Mandrake came with StarOffice 5.1 (everyone else had 5.0). I was 
familiar with SO on Windows and felt that 5.1 was significantly better 
than 5.0, and hoped that the same thing held true in Linux.

#2 The Pentium compile bit. I was buying a new computer to experiment 
with Linux on, and felt that the Pentimum optimization was a goot thing.

#3 KDE

#4 I liked the logo better. Since I was an old "Mandrake the Magician" 
fan, I sort of fell for it. How many other folks out there know who 
Lothar (the old name for harddrake) really was?

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

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