Gavin wrote:

> Terence,
> Most of the people I've heard from have had serious trouble(including myself)
> upgrading from 7.1  to 7.2! on the disk itself it tells you that upgrades are
> not supported....why is another story. Your best bet would be to backup all
> your files and do a clean install!  I know it sounds crazy but I think you
> would more satisified with a clean install...Good luck if you follow your
> path.
> Sincerely,
> Gavin (Japan)


Thanks to those of you who took the time reply.  Yeah I did finally get an
install to take and so far the differences are drastically better than KDE 1.2
and X So far it is impressive.

The install program would freeze the machine or give me numerous package install
errors, with or w/o reformatting /home.  I finally gave / ,/usr and /opt
signifigant room was I able to get a clean install.  Even that wasn't clean
because when I tried to insert the Extensions CD (that I burned from an ISO) it
didn't like that and I was force to cancel.  So I just restored my old
environment from a gzipped tar ball from a CD/RW and I'm back in business.

Thanks again,


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