I have installed Mandrake7.2  on my machine. The install was great, and the 
overall feel much better than RedHat7, my compliments! All of the 
applications and KDE2.0 and Gnome 1.2 are a real plus to a newbie like me!

My machine lost power in a snowstorm. It rebooted and now I am unable to 
restart KDE or any other X interface. I can log in via the terminal 
(console) without problem but the command startx doesn't start X. It gives 
me error messages. I tried Xconfigurator again as root but it too gave me 
errors with my card and monitor setup screen showing "unknown". Even with 
Xconfgurator fixed again to the proper monitor and graphics card, startx 
still doesn't any X windowing system. I get errors about "fixed fonts" not 
available (I think). The XFree versions on my system are 3.3.6 and 4.0.1.

When shutting down after this crash, the Mandrake Aurora graphical 
interface says unable to shutdown the "X Font Server", it had an "x"on 
it!  Reinstalling Linux fixes the problem but when I install Netscape 6, 
the same thing happened. I now have Netscape 6.0.1 but have not installed 
it yet.

The command
  /usr/sbin/chksession -l
gives me KDE, Gnome, IceWM, Sawfish, default and failsafe as options. I 
know that issuing the command startx xxx (where xxx is one of those windows 
managers) should start one of these sessions, but it doesn't work after the 

My graphics card is an ATI Xpert98 (8 megs, Mach64 chipset), machine is a 
K6-400 with 128 megs, plenty of disk space (30gb).

Is X-windows so delicate (I don't think so), or is my video card the 
problem or ....? Can I save some configuration files somewhere to overwrite 
corrupt ones when this happens again? I hate to keep reintalling linux - I 
know that this is an overkill approach!

This (Windoz refugee) newbie says TIA,
  Remember, the Ark was built by experimenters and the Titanic by experts!
-- RST Engineering

Grandview Elementary

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