Dave Esquer wrote:
> I have installed Mandrake7.2  on my machine. The install was great, and the
> overall feel much better than RedHat7, my compliments! All of the
> applications and KDE2.0 and Gnome 1.2 are a real plus to a newbie like me!
> My machine lost power in a snowstorm. It rebooted and now I am unable to
> restart KDE or any other X interface. I can log in via the terminal
> (console) without problem but the command startx doesn't start X. It gives
> me error messages. I tried Xconfigurator again as root but it too gave me
> errors with my card and monitor setup screen showing "unknown". Even with
> Xconfgurator fixed again to the proper monitor and graphics card, startx
> still doesn't any X windowing system. I get errors about "fixed fonts" not
> available (I think). The XFree versions on my system are 3.3.6 and 4.0.1.
> When shutting down after this crash, the Mandrake Aurora graphical
> interface says unable to shutdown the "X Font Server", it had an "x"on
> it!  Reinstalling Linux fixes the problem but when I install Netscape 6,
> the same thing happened. I now have Netscape 6.0.1 but have not installed
> it yet.
> The command
>   /usr/sbin/chksession -l
> gives me KDE, Gnome, IceWM, Sawfish, default and failsafe as options. I
> know that issuing the command startx xxx (where xxx is one of those windows
> managers) should start one of these sessions, but it doesn't work after the
> crash.
> My graphics card is an ATI Xpert98 (8 megs, Mach64 chipset), machine is a
> K6-400 with 128 megs, plenty of disk space (30gb).
> Is X-windows so delicate (I don't think so), or is my video card the
> problem or ....? Can I save some configuration files somewhere to overwrite
> corrupt ones when this happens again? I hate to keep reintalling linux - I
> know that this is an overkill approach!
> This (Windoz refugee) newbie says TIA,
> Dave
> --
>   Remember, the Ark was built by experimenters and the Titanic by experts!

You can do one of many things. First, let us check your font server
(xfs) status.

(as root)
/sbin/service xfs status

If it says something to the effect of;

xfs (pid 659) is running...

Issue this command next

(as root)
/sbin/service xfs restart

then rerun your X server:


If you don't have your xfs server running, input this command:

(as root)
/sbin/service xfs start

then run your X server:


If your X server still will not load, try this "soft" hack using your
favorite editor:

(as root)
Open up your XF86Config-4 file and go to the line:

    FontPath   "unix/:-1"

uncomment this line. It should look like this:

#    FontPath   "unix/:-1"

Save and quit out of the editor. Restart your X server once again:


I guarantee that this should make it work. If I am wrong, you can call
me Susan! LoL (still do this as a last resort)

Once your X server is running again, you can recomment your FontPath
once again:

(as root using your favorite editor)
go back to the line:

#    FontPath   "unix/:-1"

and remove the uncomment:

    FontPath   "unix/:-1"

Save and quit. Your X server shall now run as good as new.


  .--. `           
  |__| .-------.   Altoine Barker
  |=.| |.-----.|   Maximum Time, Inc
  |--| ||$SEND||   Chicago Based Enterprise
  |  | |'-----'|   http://www.maximumtime.com   

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