On Thursday 22 February 2001 16:41, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I have installed the LIN4WIN and everything went well until it
> asked me for my login name and password which was fine and then
> it asked for this [myloginname@host ]$ or something like that
> and I dont know what to press/type.
> I tried startx and my screen went blank and presses ctrl + alt +
> backspace and the screen came back on but to the same problem..
> Please help me
To stay out of X just press <ctrl> <alt> <f1> or F2 upto 6. Login 
as root or user or not at all whatever. Then check out your name 
-it's on the last line on the right of the penguin. probaply 
localhost.localdomain of some sort.
give that to win4lin to chew on. It shouldn't be that important :o)
Semper avanti,                            sailing on Linux,
Harm Bathoorn                             Free evermore.
Hoek. NL.
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