Good Morning,
I'm a Linux newbie (with a little Solaris experience) stumped by this one - 
I can't get ftp or telnet access to my Linux box from a second PC.

I have LM 7.2 loaded from a downloaded iso image (just 1st CD), loaded into 
an existing partition and configured as a "Recommended installation" type, 
I've chosen the "install all packages" option.

After searching the list archives, "ntsysv" allowed me to set up inet to 
run on  boot.

/etc/inetd.conf now has lots of processes available - including FTP and 
telnet. And I no longer get a "Connection refused" message, as I did before.

However, I still can't connect. When I FTP from my NT box (capella) to the 
LM box (betelgeuse) I get:

Connected to betelgeuse.
Connection closed by remote host.

/etc/hosts.deny is empty, I've tried adding a line containing just 
"capella" to /etc/hosts.allow, makes no difference.
/etc/hosts has an entry for capella - "ping capella" works fine.
I've tried creating a /etc/hostname containing just "capella" without 
resolving it.
I have an xterm session working fine (Hummingbird Exceed), and can get the 
Gnome desktop up with an XDMCP broadcast - so I have an NT taskbar (which I 
keep at the top of the screen) and a Gnome panel-bar (I don't know the 
correct term) displayed on the same screen. Wonderful!

Now if only I could get FTP working I could actually shift some stuff across...

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Suggestions would be most welcome,

Thanks in advance,

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