Okay, I'm not getting this right. How about a kick in the right
direction? I have edited the XF86Config file per the instructions I have
(ZaxisMapping  4 5, Protocol IMPS/2) from the MandrakeUser.org pages.
Tested it by running imwheel in konsole. Works fine. Now I wish to have
imwheel automatically during X startup. The instructions (and the 3
books I have) are unclear on the following:

"Restart X, run imwheel and everything should work fine. If it does, you
should add this command to your '.xinitrc' or '.xsessionrc' to have it
executed automatically on every X startup."

Okay, no problem. Works fine. But - exactly WHAT command am I adding to
the .xinitrc file? I have tried imwheel, /etc/X11/imwheel,
/etc/X11/imwheelrc, exec imwheel, exec /etc/X11/imwheel. Does it matter
where I add it? Does it matter how I add it? What basic fact am I
missing here?


Pat the Rat

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