* David Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010305 18:12]:
> I have netatalk installed on my LM 7.2 system so that I can share files with 
> our MacOS system. Problem is files with names containing more than 31 
> characters don't show up to the Macs. To fix this I need a tool that can trim 
> down the file name while preserving the file extension. For example I need 
> something that would turn "everclear-so much for the afterglow.mp3" into 
> "everclear-so much for the.mp3" not "everclear-so much for the". On the Mac I 
> use AppleScript if I need to do batch file renaming. I suppose on Linux this 
> type of thing is done with shell scripts? Am I on the right track? Anyone 
> have such a script they would be willing to share? Good books on learning 
> shell scripting?

Try this.  I tested it and it seems to work, but of course copy your
files into a temporary directory first:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# name this file to maxlen
# move it into your path
# chmod 775 to make it executable
use strict;
my $syntax = "Usage: maxlen 28 *.mp3\n";
my $len         = shift or die $syntax;
my $was         = "";   # original file.ext
my $filecount   = 0;    # files renamed
my $base        = '';   # everything before ext
my $ext         = '';   # .ext
die $syntax unless $len =~ /^\d+$/;
for (@ARGV) {
    chomp;              # in case newline
    next if -d $_;      # skip directories
    if ( /^(.+)(\.[^.]+)$/ ) {
        # found base.ext
        $base   = $1;
        $ext    = $2;
    } else {
        # no ext, just shorten
        $base = $_;
    next if length $base <= $len;
    $was = $_;          # save original filename
    $base               = substr($base,0,$len);
    if ( -f "$base$ext" ) {
        print "Did not rename $was to $base$ext";
        print " because it already exists.\n";
    } else {
        if ( rename($was, "$base$ext") ) {
        } else {
            print "Error renaming $was to $base$ext\n";
if ( $filecount ) {
    print "Renamed $filecount file";
    print "s" if $filecount > 1;
    print "\n";

Jan Wilson                   _/*];          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Community College    |  |:'  Corozal Junior College
Corozal Town, Belize         |  /'          Central America
Visit our Corozal site       |_/     http://www.corozal.com

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