On Wednesday 07 March 2001 05:28, you wrote:
> Hello,
> I just installed 7.2 on a 300PII with 64M Ram and a 256M Swap
> Partition.  KDE is running extremely slow, many times slower
> than 7.1. It's almost to the point I'm considering re-installing
> 7.1.  Does anyone know why this is?  Did I do something wrong on
> the install?
> Thanks,
> Michael
KDE 2 is burning your ram. 64 m is rather meager, so kde is 
propably using your swap most of the time. Either stick in more 
ram (it'l fly >128M) or use a sleeker windowmanager like icewm.
Semper avanti,                            sailing on Linux,
Harm Bathoorn                             Free evermore.
Hoek. NL.
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