Thanks GT. In my own experience im start with the red hat 6.2, and after 1 week with mandrake 7.1 (helium), and in this distro works very well, I get share my printers and dirs, and only changed few lines. but in this distro (7.2 odissey) i can't. I try and try and doesn't work. I chek the ethernet card, dns, gateway, and sees works well (i can get the ping and telnet with real names and IP's), and in the smb.conf put the domain, group, shares, etc. as in the other distro an dosent work. I installed and desinstalled samba and doesn't work. What do you think is?
Thanks, and excuse my poor english... - ed@r
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 4:41 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Wine & Samba...

I use Samba to provide file and print services for Windows 98 and 2000 clients; after installing Linux I get Samba running and drop in a standard etc/smb.conf file.  After setting some smb passwords it always works fine.  I'll send the file on request (to avoid burdening the list).
-- GT
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 1:19 PM
Subject: [newbie] Wine & Samba...

Hello - hola
My linux: mandrake 7.2 odissey kernel:2.2.17-mdk
Pentium III - 500 Mhz
192 mb ram
10 Gb Hd
Anyone knows how configure Samba server and Wine emulator? I want learn it for my work and the server WinNt no response with my workstation, and i have a lot of information and console Emu's that only work on win plataform. So, anyone knows an emulator for N64 that works quite well on linux? Please help me one :-) Thanks - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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