I didn't have any luck getting the Sun JREs to work in Konqueror 2.1 - 
but once I switched to the IBM JRE v1.3, all the Java applets I've come 
across works! 

On 25 Mar 2001, at 20:37, michael wrote:

> On Sunday 25 March 2001 07:23 pm, you purportedly scrawled:
> > I had noticed that the java applets did not function in Konqueror at
> > the nasa.gov website. I like to check the location of the
> > international space station and could only do it in Netscape. So, the
> > purpose of this message is that I discovered in configure konqueror
> > under  Konqueror Browser the java tab has a set path or type "java". 
> > I changed it by browsing to /usr/jre-sun1.2.2/bin/java   and clicking
> > ok.  Now the Space station tracker shows up and gives real time
> > readings.  So the "java" works for some sites but not for all. If you
> > have the same problem,change to the actual path to the jre file and
> > see if it doesn't solve some problems. Onward and upward?
> Not in my version of 8.0B2! I type whereis java and it says 
> usr/bin/java but there isn't even one there!
> -- 
> -m-

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