i don't remember the whole story with this, but i can give you the short version.

mandrake does not do RPM 4 yet.
stick with version 3
you can somehow force 4 to work, however the person who posted how to do this also 
pointed out that it will trash your system.  so the point is what?   =)

if you want the detailed version, i'm sure someone here can provide it, or you can 
search the archives.

unless of course, this problem has since been fixed, in which case i am totally wrong.

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

>>> Wayne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11:07:23 AM 3/26/01 >>>
Im running Mandrake 7.1 and have come across a problem with the Version of
RPM I am using.
It seems many packages are now prepared using version 4 which is not
compatible with 3
I just get an error message stating words to this effect. 
Fun part is, I cant install the version 4 RPM as its packed with 4! (Or so
it seems) Anyone else come across this and solved it?
Dont know wether to uninstall this and get a tarball, any ideas please?


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