I open a root console, and typed "ifconfig"

lo     link encap: local loopback
       inet addr:   mask
   (then some network statistics)

I type "ifconfig eth0" and get
eth0  link encap: ethernet     HW Addr: (mac address)
      inet addr   bcast
  broadcast running multicast  mtu: 1500  metric: 1
   (then some network statistics, all values 0 except
    txqueuelen: 100
     base address: 0xd800

"route -n"
shows local loopback routing information only

"ifconfig eth0 up"
SIOCSIFFLAGS:  device or resource busy

"ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts"
shows 15 items -- variations on ifup, ifdown, ifcfg
and network-functions

"ifup eth0"
SIOCADDRT:  network is down
SIOCADDRT:  network is unreachable

I checked harddrake and the card appears to be
detected properly.  Do I need to set the IRQ and base
address somewhere (maybe the 0xd800 is not correct). 
It looks like eth0 for some reason is not active.  


--- CB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 09:18:12AM -0700, Tyrak
> Sunstorm wrote:
> > detect the card properly, but when I try to assign
> an
> > IP address, it doesn't take.  I can't ping the
> address
> > of the card I assign, or the default gateway.  I
> can
> It makes sense that if you can't ping the card
> itself, you won't be able
> to ping the gateway.  Post the results of the
> following:
> ifconfig
> route -n
> ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
> Then (as root) run 'ifup eth0' and see what results
> you get.  All of
> this can be done from the standard config utils, but
> I want to see ALL
> error messages that might appear.
> -- 
> Blue skies...         Todd
> | Get a bigger hammer!   |  Sometimes you get what
> you want.      |
> | http://www.mrball.net  |  Sometimes you get
> experience.         |
> | http://faq.mrball.net  |                    
> --unknown origin   |

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