I'm new to this list and my question may well have been answered before, 
but I don't know where to find the answer.  When I first installed 7.2 
the machine recognized the usb zip drive (to my amazement) and worked 
perfectly for four days.  Then came a sudden power outage (it tripped 
the surge protector on the house, and on the pc) and when I rebooted the 
pc, I discovered that while it "saw" the drive it would either say that 
there is an "i/o error" or that "access forbidden".  What happened is a 
total mystery and I have exhausted every book on Linux I can find trying 
to solve the problem.  (I did achieve the machine accessing the drive 
when it boots but still no access). 

Are there any suggestions rather than throwing the whole darn thing out 
the window?  I'm retired and have a high frustration level, but it has 
been reached.  Any help would be most appreciated.

(my neighbors, many of whom work for Red Hat say I can't access the 
drive, but what do they know)

Charles Wackerman
Carthage, NC

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