The existence of the Athlon directory is purely co-incidental.

The target command creates the directory you specify as it's parameter.

As I said RPM knows nothing about Athlon switches...


Thanks for repeating something that I already know as
if it's some kind of in-breaking of the divine word of
truth.  That's really helpful.

As I said before I don't ask questions on the mdk list
until I have worn out all other areas of info.  It is
a NEWBIE list after all.  The only reason I ask there
is because I know that mdk people like todd and
civilme read the list and answer questions.  Notice I
said "answer questions" not provide hints and clues as
if in a game show.


THE most annoying people are those that expect everything to be handed to
them on a silver platter... I.E. they do NOT RTFM.

A nudge in the right direction is what most intelligent people need. Not a
treatise on exactly what they are supposed to do, which is counter
productive for many reasons.

The BIG hint I provided should have led you to look up the command line
parameters for GCC Althon optimizations... all you had to do was in turn
pass that parameter via RPM to GCC thereby solving your problem.

If you didn't like my hint, you could have merely disregarded it...


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