First, please turn off "HTML" formatting in your message--in many e-mail programs we end up with all kinds of extra tags.

Now, on to the question at hand.

First do an 'ls -al filename.bin' from the directory the file is in (This of course presupposes that you are at a command prompt). Check to see if it has an "x"--should look something like this:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 132298 Jul 3 2000 webalizer*

If it doesn't, regardless of which user you are, it will not execute the file. To add 'x' (which is execute permission) to a file, do a 'chmod 755 filename.bin'.

Finally, run the file as './filename.bin' --if it still doesn't work the file is probably corrupt, so you'll have to re-download.


Michael Viron
Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 01:18 AM 05/04/2001 -0500, tazmun wrote:
Hi All I am very new to Linux and the command line is very intimidating yet. I have downloaded a supposedly self extracting file (.bin) as well as the rpm version of the file. They suggest in the install directions that this be done from the command line and tell you that by using a command(./) on both of the files will start a script asking if you agree to their agreement first. This command on either file just gets me a permission denied error whether I'm logged on as a user or as root. This file is to install the runtime java enviroment required by Staroffice for any java applications to function. The file will not run in kpackage in the rpm version either......if you try to execute it it will error and say is it not executeable. I am running Mandrake 7.1 for now. I've also tried the rpm -ivh and -iv commands to no avail please.....I hate the Redmond gang but this is driving me nuts too!! Anyone helping here please assume I know nothing of the command line in their directions. Tazmun

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