Well, that may be the default gnome login.  Isn't there a drop down menubar 
at the top of the box/graphic?

On Friday 04 May 2001 08:59 am, you wrote:
> I recently installed Mandrake 7.2. When I boot the system I don't see the
> login window with the Penguin icons that the manual says I'm supposed to
> see. Instead I get a plain box with login and password text fields and an
> OK button. There are no options for shutdown or session type. In the lower
> right of the screen is a log window. After I login I am taken to a Gnome
> desktop. When I logout I go back to the plain login box.
> Questions:
> Why am I not seeing the login window that the manual describes?
> How do I shutdown the system from the plain login box that is being
> presented to me?
> Thanks.
> Jeff

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