Franki ; If you happen to be running Mandrake 8.0 on this server, you can 
edit the Bastille-Firewall.cfg file to deny Realplayer/RealAudio connections.
If you're looking for something a little stronger, might I suggest Mandrake 
Security? You'll need a separate Firewall Server, but once configured, it 
will definitely do the job.

On Wednesday 09 May 2001  4:54, you wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have big brother over here at the moment, and all the staff at my
> servers location are wanting to watching the realplayer live footage,,,
> I want to cut off access to that site to the computers, its costing me a
> fortune....
> How can I stop all access to realplayer streaming video to the masq
> computers...
> any suggestions...??
> many thanks
> regards
> Frank

Dan LaBine      
Maximum L.A.N.'s Ltd.   
Registered Linux User # 190712

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