  I tried Mandrake 7.2 and had a few problems with it.
 I had a friend burn the two cd's for 8.0 and the
install was a piece of cake, though I did not install
the XFree 4.0 I used 3.3.6.  For the other questions
I'm really a DUHH on those sorry.
--- Jennifer Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> first of all, thanks to everyone who had an answers
> for me.  after all was done, i think the install may
> have knocked windows out, i am not that bothered
> since my "important" things that i am working are
> stored elsewhere anyway.  i have new questions: i
> had asked about dual booting- should i go ahead and
> get the 8.0 (and is the avail by box or download)
> versus using the 7.2?  also, does anyone have any
> recommendations for web design programs and the like
> for linux.  with windows i was using frontpage
> (which i didn't really like to begin with), there
> were a couple of things bundled with it- but i was
> looking for something a bit more full bodied.
> and one last question, on the 7.2 there is a graphic
> art program called cameleo that for the life of me i
> cannot get to install.  i get to the little install
> icon and won't do anything.  :0
> jenny
> FN:Jennifer Williams
> TEL;WORK:588-6028
> ORG:;KUPI Internal Medicine
> TEL;PREF;FAX:588-4060
> N:Williams;Jennifer
> TITLE:Secretary I

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