Hi all.....just a quickie question that has been bugging me.  I was under
the impression that the Linux OS was a more efficient program then
windows....but the only 2 programs I have for true comparison since I run
them on both OS's is Star Office & Netscape 4.7.  The windows OS
unfortunately kicks linux ass oh so terribly bad!  Does this mean I don't
have the OS correctly configured or is this typical behaviour?  Oh yeah, I'm
still running the Mandrake 7.1 version waiting for the 8.0 to hit the stores
and windows ME on a 850 PIII based system with a promise card running 66 dma
hard drives.  I know I had problems when I check the option for (I can't
quote exactly what it was called)maximizing hard drive performance.  It
noted that problems with this are common and suggests that you don't try to
use this option.  Any thoughts on this subject??

Thanks Taz

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