I'm in the midst of building a new machine and I'm trying to decide what
motherboard I should go after.

I'm going with a AMD K7 850, (For $105, it's a great price! :0) so now I 
need a motherboard to put it in of course.  Upon looking at motherboards,
I saw the ASUS A7V133 and the A7Pro.

Well the A7V133 has an onboard Promise controller.  It's the PCI-ATA100,
it also has 4 x PCI and 1 x PCI/AMR.  What I need to do is set the machine
up with a SoundBlaster 16, and two NICs.  Provided I can work the shared
IRQs so there aren't any IRQ conflicts, will Mandrake 8.0 have a problem 
with the PCI-ATA100 controller?

I like the A7V133 over the A7Pro for two reason.  The A7V133 has 266/200
FSB, the A7Pro only has 200 FSB.  No big deal there, but the A7Pro only
does UltraDMA/66.  I have UltraDMA/100 drives so I would like to access
an use that speed.  Other wise I'd go with the A7Pro because one it's about
$30 cheaper, and not having to worry about problems with that Promise 

Does anybody else know how this motherboard/IDE controller combination 
works with other distros?  I like to frequently just install another
distro on a spare drive just to see what it looks like.  Thus far I've not
come across anything that'd make me leave Mandrake, but I like knowing 
what's out there, and having some sort of knowledge of it.

Any help would be really appreciated.  And for those of you running this 
kind of hardware, your experience and or war stories are very welcomed!

T. Holmes

"Real Men use Vi."

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