
Thanks for posting this information -- could you clarify a few things
just for my edification:

1. Do you know what motherboard he is using?

2. Is performance really significantly worse than your Intel machines or
are you basing performance just on the CPU usage (with kapm)?

3. It sounds like you are not using Mandrake 8.0, based on my inference
that you have not seen the kapm idle thing on your machines?

4. If you are using Mandrake 8.0, would you post the relevant specs on
one of your machines so we have a basis for comparison (CPU, clock
speed, RAM (amount, type, speed), HD (size, RPM, MB/sec (if available).

Thanks very much for any clarification you can offer.
Randy Kramer

s wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just installed 8.0 on a die-hard windows user's machine, and it didn't make
> a very good show.  This machine has the same voodoo card as in one of mine
> (voodoo3 2000), and tho mine's 3d performance is lacking, his is
> non-existant.  The installer installed XFree86-3.3.6 by default without
> asking (tho in expert mode), so after boot I found out why.  I went into
> display to set it up, I was finally given the choice of 4.0.3, but not 'with
> acceration'.  I chose 4.0.3 anyway, and then it wouldn't boot into X.
> Without gaming support, we're gonna lose him.
> Also, I finally know what some people are saying about poor performance.  8.0
> runs good my three intel machines, but his amd k-2 450 is sad - most of the
> time.  I did  the hdparm thing and raised that performance a little, however
> this kapm-idle thing in top is showing over 50% of the cpu being used up by
> something, when nothing extraneous is open or running.  Made sure no servers
> or unnecessary processes were running (as I always do).  Sometimes it goes
> back down to 0% like mine always show, but most of the time something is
> going on.
> Any advise/info would as always be appreciated.
> -s
> As said, its has an  amdk-2 450 with 192Mb100m ram, 256 swap, seagate 5200rpm
> 17gig hdd with 4 given to LM, voodoo3 2000, onboard sound (that comes and
> goes, sis on-board video (that's supposed to be disabled, yet shows up - but
> is not configured).  Phillips something cdburner.  Nothing special about
> install - not recompiled.

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