On Wednesday 23 May 2001 11:01, you wrote:
>     Phil> How can I stop the automatic startup for X at startup.
> Change /etc/inittab to have this as the first non-blank/non-comment line:
>     id:3:initdefault:
> I'm sure there's some way to do it via a graphical interface but I'm not as
> astute with that stuff as with the old-school way of doing things...

If you're trying to install video card drivers or whatever, this is a little 
less scarey for the average newbie, although knowing your way around 
/etc/inittab is desirable in the long run of course.

Go logout -> shutdown -> console mode

'startx' gets you back into x, and from the console 'poweroff' shuts your 
machine down, if you're setup to boot into x.

When you next boot, everything should be back to as it was before, unless 
you've completely stuffed it up in the meantime, of course! ;o)




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