It was Thu, 24 May 2001 10:12:05 -0700 when Civileme wrote:

>Well, an upgrade / update is a tall order for something with as big a delta 
>as 7.2 to 8.0, particularly since packaging policies changed and library 
>policies changed.  You may have pieces of 8.0 uninstalled because the 7.2 
>package was one and the 8.0 equivalent was 3 packages.

Hmm hmm. I did not know that the upgrade steps between version were steep.

>As a general rule, I make separate /usr/local and /home and /var directories,
>and just install a new version without formatting those partitions.  I use 
>the update install in special circumstances for the SAME version.  For 
>example, if I want to do a minimal install, build special filesystems then 
>bring in the rest of the system, I use the update install to do it.  Update 
>install is also a great way to implement MandrakeFreq images.

I assume then that this means it is best to do "new" installs each time, as in
formatting the partitions that are not in your list.
Okay, I can see that /usr/local is a mountpoint to a different partition, this
makes sense. This would mean then that all software one installs afterwards
should go to /usr/local then, and not to the default (for so many) /usr/bin?

I have tried to up to 8.0, but the cdplayer couldn't read
/mnt/var/lib/packages (or so), I guess it does not like the cd copy. I'll burn
one on the old Philips CDwriter and see if that helps.


Ask not for whom the telephone bell tolls...
if thou art in the bathtub, it tolls for thee. -  Registered Linux User 174403
       Linux Mandrake 7.2 - Sylpheed 0.4.66

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