At 12:00 AM 5/25/2001 +0800, Simon Naish wrote:
Check that you've got an arts sound server running on your system - use gtop if you've installed it, its much friendlier than top.

If you havent got it set to run on start up then you wont get any sound. 7.2 had problems with this that 8.0 has sorted. I'd advize a total reinstall if upgrading to 8.0, I tried an upgrade from 7.2 and had LOADS of trouble, just bakup yoour data and go for the clean instal, then go and get the security patches esp the bash patch if you do any C, and hopefully it'll all work.

Well, I went and ran sndconfig, first had to install it, it was not even there! But I installed it, ran it, got the sound card setup right. Restarted, KDE starts up... I hear its opening sound. Great! Go to start XMMS and BAM the system totally and completly freezes up, I can't do ANYTHING. Hit the reset button,  Linux has fits because it was not shutdown. Get the system back up. Load up the KDE Media player that loads, go into the file list, no problem, go to my windows drive with all my mp3 on it and as soon as I clicked no the drive, BAM total freeze up again. Anyone have any idea what is wrong now? This is getting frustrating that something as trivial as sound doesn't seem to work out of box but something brand new like USB support seems to work fine and see my webcam right away.

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