Dont know if you got this message (mail probs at the moment) BUT if you like heres 
some more info...

If you have an app running artsd that gets killed with xtreme prejudice it leaves a 
bunch of lock files in /tmp/YOURUSERNAME/ with the prefix art.

these files stop a fresh artsd running, check by opening a console and invoking artsd, 
(just type artsd) it will give you an informative error message.

If these files do exist, rm them and try running artsd again then xmms or kde media 
centre. If they work shut them down and reboot. Voila instant sound.


Check that you've got an artsd sound server running on your system - use gtop if 
you've installed it, its much friendlier than top. 
If you havent got it set to run on start up then you wont get any sound. 7.2 had 
problems with this that 8.0 has sorted. I'd advize a total reinstall if upgrading to 
8.0, I tried an upgrade from 7.2 and had LOADS of trouble, just bakup yoour data and 
go for the clean instal, then go and get the security patches esp the bash patch if 
you do any C, and hopefully it'll all work. 


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