Any network hub will work for a small test network, regardless of the 
types of hosts (client vs. server). But if you have a larger network, as 
it appears you are already aware, then a managed hub or even a 
programmable switch is the way to go, as it gives you much more control 
over network traffic.


On Thursday 31 May 2001 06:51, thus spake Jamie Kerwick:
> We are looking at setting up a test small network at work , and are
> wanting a cheapish hub. I was looking at getting a Netgear DS108. Which
> i also have at home (its work great peer-to-peer). The real question i
> want to know is will this hub work when connected to a server (ie
> managed as apposed to the unmanaged setup i have at home).
> The idea is the small network will have a test win2000 server on it,
> then adding Linux boxes to it
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