I have tried and tried and tried. I have installed many times and many
types of rpm's src rpms and tar balls!
I find it hard to believe that I seem to be the only in the world who has
just the right hardware combination for this not to work. Perhaps it is
because it is a PCI card I don't know. I even tried RH 7.1 but it still uses
an older version of Lilo and would not install because of the 124 cyl.
limit, oh well, I like Mandrake anyway. I tried reverting to 7.2 did a few
updates prior to rebuilding a newer kernel and something went awry and the
sytem is hosed!!! If it wasn't for the fact I do truly love to use Linux I
would have given up back when RH 6.2 was the hottest thing around! I have
read all the how-tos I can on littlewhitedog.com evil3d have followed
suggestions from the list and just about everything else I can find. I try
to run Quake or tuxracer gl tron things like that and it just locks up
completely. I really don't want to give up the card but it seems a viable
alternative if thats what I have to do to game in linux. Wintendo is great
but I like Tux better!

Sorry for the rant,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Franki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Rules Address for MDK" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 9:51 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Linux "compatible" vid cards

> Hi
> I have had the same problem with the Nvidia drivers, it took about 10
> attempts before it worked, but once it did, it was amazing...  I think I
> ended up getting the src and rebuilding it... there is some info on the
> mandrakeforum page about getting the driver working in LM8, you might want
> to check that out...
> There is nothing on the market yet that works as well as the Geoforce2,,,,
> you can get good 3d with the ATI or Matrox, but neither will have the same
> framerates as the geoforce2 at the high end... thats basically why nvidia
> leading the graphics chipset race, and has been for a while now... (no
> flames from ATI or Matrox please, I am only quoting various tests.... )
> anyway, I wouldn't give up if I was you, its worth the effort.
> regards
> Frank
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John
> Sent: Saturday, 9 June 2001 5:20 AM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux "compatible" vid cards
> >
> > The geforce 2 should work in 8.0 unless you have some
> > other problem is your system.
> >
> > But if you are determined to return it go with an ATI.
> > You should be able to get either the Expert2000 or the RadeonVE
> > for around $100 or less.
> > At the moment the Expert2000 (Rage 128 chipset) is the best supported
> > of the two, 3d hardware accel is fully functional where as it is still
> > experimental with the Radeon.
> >
> >    Charles  (-:
>  Thanks Charles I have considered the ATI or Matrox cards as an
> to the Nvidia. I have tried every suggestion and how-to available and
> get the card to work with quake, tuxracer or anything that may require
> opengl
> or acceleration. Truly disappointing as the geforce 2 mx is an excellent
> card!
> John

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