Whatever yo do, DON'T reinstall Windows. If you do, booting into 
GNU/Linux will not be possible unless you do a lot of messing around.

In the Mandrake Control Centre ('Configuration' -> 'Other' -> 
'Mandrake Control Centre' in the Mandrake menus) click 'Boot' -> 'Boot 
Config' -> 'Configure'. You can configure LILO/GRUB from this wizard.

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 07:11, Garry wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a similar problem. I have Win98SE and Mandrake 8 operating on
> a LILO dual boot system. When reinstalling Mandrake I went fdisk/mbr
> after deleting the non-DOS partition (ie Mandrake). I have doen this
> before and it worked ok, although I thought I used 'del/mbr'.
> Now I cannot get into Windows at all. The reference to Windows in in
> the LILo option, but it does not lead to anything. I can still use
> Mandrake ok. I had problems reinstalling Mandrake 8. It got stuck
> and I had to start again from the begining.
> I can still see all the Windows files from Linux. Will I need to
> reinstall Windows?
> Can I reconfigure LILO to boot Windows? If so, how can I do this?
> regards
> Garry
> On Monday 11 June 2001 11:04, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> > The fdisk /mbr command sets your MBR to refer to the boot record
> > on the active partition. If you change the active partition later,
> > this is the partition that will boot at startup.
> >
> > The WinNT loader is stored on the boot record of the partition
> > that WInNT is installed, not on the MBR. You can do the same with
> > other boot loaders like LILO and GRUB. When you configure these,
> > write to your GNU/Linux partition and not to then MBR. Use a tool
> > like fdisk to set your active partition to the one with that boot
> > loader installed and then in DOS issue a fdisk /mbr. This method
> > is much more flexible than writing to your MBR since the partition
> > to be booted from can be changed simply by changing the active
> > partition. If you are having problems with LILO or GRUB starting
> > (preventing you from booting GNU/Linux), you can change the active
> > partiton to your Windos partition using fdisk and then try to fix
> > the problem from there.
> >
> > On Sun, 10 Jun 2001 14:33, Romanator wrote:
> > > Nope. It puts it back to it original state before Linux was
> > > installed. I tried it on NT4  machine with no problems.
> > >
> > > Roman
> > > Registered Linux User #179293
> > > This email is powered by the Tux Email Utility
> > >
> > > Michael Spivak wrote:
> > > > if you'll do 'fdisk /mbr' you'll erase all your mbr data,
> > > > including the WinNT OS Loader.....

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
        "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
        LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
                -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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