Lucky you! I didn't get the softmodem on my TP570 (lucent modem) into a 
working state.

Since your script needs to be run just once after system boot, you could for 
instance append the line


to /etc/rc.d/rc.local, so it gets automatically executed when your box 
switches to runlevel 2, 3 or 5. If you want it to be run only in certain 
runlevels (e.g. 5) make a link named S99z_acpsetup in /etc/rc5.d/, i.e. you 

ln -s /path_to_script/acpsetup /etc/rc5.d/S99z_acpsetup

This way you don't have to su or anything like that.

Good luck,

On Thursday 07 June 2001 15:49, you wrote:
> I have an IBM 600 laptop running 7.2 and it has an internal ACP (Win
> Modem). I downloaded a driver from the IBM website and installed it fine
> and the modem works well.  It's just that after start-up and rebooting, I
> have to su in and give root password and issue the following commands.
> #!/bin/bash
> cd /usr/mwave/mw*
> insmod mwavedd
> setserial ttyS1 autoconfig
> ./mwavem
> I wrote a script to do this portion called acpsetup.  How do I write the
> script to have it login as su and supply the password and issue the
> commands. I'd like to get it down to one simple ./acpsetup command to
> handle everything.
> Thanks,
> Michael

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