  If you click on this url, or paste it to your
hold down the shift key and then click the mouse the
driver that you need will start to download to you
system.. I have mine in my root directory. After you
download the driver, make sure that you have the
kernel-headers loaded.  To check if your
kernel-headers are loaded do this
ls /usr/src/linux/include/linux and your screen shoud
have on it things like 802_11.h, a.out.h fd1772.h
fddidevice.h loop.h lp.h and a lot of files like that.
If your kernel-headers are not loaded and you have the
CD's do uname -r, that will tell you what hernel that
you have, then do a urpmi kernel-headers-<version> and
that will load the kernel-headers.  Once that is done
go to the dir where you downloaded the au88xx file to
and do bunzip2 au88xx-1.1.2.tar.bz2.  then do tar -xvf
au88xx-1.1.2.tar and that will open the file to a
directory called aureal do cd aureal and then read the
README or do ./make install20 and the driver should
install.  If you get screens and screens of errors
that means your kernel-headers are loaded wrong.
  I use the Aureal 10 and it is great.
--- jen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I recently installed mandrake 8.0 and while the o/s
> detects the
> soundcard via harddrake, I am also informed that it
> does not support the
> binary kernel of aureal vortex 2 card. i am then
> directed to aureals
> website to obtain the latest drivers. Aureal is no
> longer in business
> and i was hoping someone might know where I could
> obtain drivers and
> perhaps some instructions on installing those
> drivers.

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