On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 04:30:24PM +0000, Michael Lewis wrote:
> I recently networked my laptop and desktop together and after juggling some 
> adapters around, got them up and running.  In O'Reilley's "Running Linux", 
> they said that you could set-up a NFS file sharing system, without having to 
> set up a NFS file server.  I just have a simple network with the two machines 
> and once I figure out how to network my wifes Windoze box in, will have three 
> total.  I'm not using any of the machines for a gateway.
> I've downloaded a NFS tutorial, but that relates to setting up a NFS file 
> server and a client.  I just want to be able to share files on my two 
> machines, and not have to worry about setting up a flie server.  

Since you want to integrate your wife's Windoze box, you'll probably be
learning more about Samba. 

Although you've said you don't want to worry about having to set up a file
server, you can share files between Linux boxes via Samba too. You also
avoid the NFS security issues (may not be a problem for you).


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