Yes... this is another Micro$HAFT advocate.  But we really can't knock
them since we are all... well most of us, are Linux advocates.

But the truth is that "Uncle Bill" and Microsoft were not the first.
As a matter a fact Gates and Jobs both stole most of there original
code and "made it better."  Now a days we would have called them a
glorified script kitty!  They took something existing, adding a few
lines, and suddenly it's theirs and it "works."

Sun doesn't 'officially' make a desktop platform.  They have Solaris
and SunOS.  Basically the same thing.  They've been billing SunOS as a
desktop since it's been used mainly as a client to Solaris.  A desktop
only because of lack of another name.

I know the numbers given below are just guest-imate, but doesn't Mac
have a following much like that of Linux?  Those, dare I say, fanatic
users that live and die by anything Apple?  My only problem with Apple
has been working with the companies that used Apple's products.  I
didn't have much problem with Apple itself.

But what is the "right way" for a company that has bullied all of ther
competitors out of business?  And saved their original competitor from
going out of business mainly only as a slap in the face to that
companies founder, who was a "friend."  I find it only fitting and I'm
actually rooting for Apple after they started their resurgance and
rebirthing after Microsoft helped them with so much funding.

I've seen a lot of comments that have been really "fan based."  Message
boards would probably call a lot of the users that come back with
comments like these "trolls."  They're not based on facts, just that
weird thing that happens to make people root for sports teams that
never win.

But the truth of the matter is Microsoft sees Linux as a threat.  A big
enough threat they do under handed things, like they've always done, in
hopes to control it.  Like start working on lawsuits to be brought
against Linux companies for ruining, essentially, they're way of life.

T. Holmes
"Real Men Us Vi!"
| I love Microsoft. I respect Bill Gates. Not only they ain't my enemies -
| they are my friends. Yes, I like Linux, it's enhanced functionality and
| especially stability, but Microsoft were the first to do it. I believe that
| they're doing everything the right way.
| Also, the monopoly situation is very good for users. You can put your file
| on a disk, go to a friend being sure you'll find the same Windows and Word
| there. The worst I could imagine is this:
| Windows - 40%
| Linux - 30%
| MacOS - 10%
| BeOS - 5%
| Solaris - 5%
| Other - 5%
| Then you would be usnure as to what will you find there. If Linux user, you
| had to save both for Linux and Windows formats, and Mac doesn't read these
| disks. So, you would need to know specifically where are you going, and what
| the PCs are there. Each time I go to repair a PC, I'm almost sure what I'll
| see there.
| Microsoft are responsible for what they release. They provide the product to
| you, and given you buy it legally, they also provide you with support,
| updates, etc. You can register at Linux Counter and others, but they won't
| give you that support, even though bug reporting is awesome. And, another
| thing I love in Linux are the penguins. I love that they're everywhere, and
| one of my recompilation jobs will be to put even more penguins on their work
| at Linux desktop and applications. They just look cool - nice animals.
| Also, I'd like to add that I hate to buy PC with preinstalled software. When
| I got one with preinstalled Windows (what I used then), the first thing I
| done was formatting C: and installing it myself. Now I use dual-boot W98,
| and Linux Mandrake. If I bought a PC with this dual boot, I'd still run
| Partition Magic and wipe it all, to install myself. I don't love when
| something is preinstalled. As a PC expert, I want to install everything
| myself - even if this is something I never installed. Yes, I did feel unsure
| installing Windows for the first time, as I also did installing Linux and
| BeOS for the first time. It all passes.
| Solver

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