mrc wrote:

> It seems that WP8 will not run on Mandrake8. Has anyone else had this problem?

I'm not sure where you are having the problem,  but I have wp8 running 
on L8.0 succcesfully on my desktop as well as my laptop. In LM7.2, I 
could click on the install icon and it would start up the installation, 
but for some reason in LM8.0 I had to install from a terminal with; 
"./install.wp " after mounting the  cdrom. You can also just open your 
cdrom directory and open the terminal from there. That way you don't 
have to cd to your  
/mnt/cd/andapartridgeinaperartree/etcetc/andallthatjazz/ because you're 
already there.


Registered Linux user #217118
Never teach a pig to sing. It doesn't sound very good and it annoys the pig.


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