On Sat, 16 Jun 2001, you wrote:
> I concur with Charles Punch!  I've received over 60 e-mails in 2 days since
> I applied to have them sent. Many were repetive and far beyond "newbie"
> understanding" . Screen them if you can or remove me from your mailing
> list. Thx      Chuck


You can filter your messages if you are using KMail and direct them straight 
into the trash.  Click "settings", then "filter rules".  when new window pops 
up, click the first drop down box and select "subject", the next drop down 
should read "contains",  enter "No one uses Linux", leave the next box as 
"ignore", go to the first box that says "nothing", ckick it and select 
"Transfer".  a new window will pop up and you click on the drop down that 
says "default" and select "trash".  Unfortunately, you have to remove 
yourself from the list as well.  The instructions are on the Mandrake website 
where you signed up.



Michael Lewis
Exasource Inc.

       "Linux - The final solution"

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