On Thursday 28 June 2001 13:34, Terry wrote:
> From the response I got back from civileme, Linux can only
> recognize a max single drive size of 127 GB.  A little bit strange
> that windowz can see a slightly larger hard drive than Linux ...
> hopefully Linux will fix that .. can't have windowz one-upping them
> now, can they? :-)

Well, to clarify the situation--There is no one-upping It is an 
IDE-ATA hardware limitation at the present time.  Moreover the 137G 
figure is a trade number--it looks at 137 x 1,000,000,000

My 128G number is 128 x 2^30  which is 128 x  1073741824 or  

These "trade numbers" are in wide use  For example a 20G hard drive 
only formats to 18, because the trade number uses the near 
equivalence of 2 to the tenth power (1024) and 10 to the third power 
(1000) to sloppy things up and make their numbers look bigger than 
they really are.  One manufacturer even sheepishly pointed out in his 
literature that GB (his measurement) meant 1,000,000,000 while Gb 
(Hardware Measurement) meant 1073741824.

> Terry
> On Wednesday 27 June 2001 21:33, you wrote:
> > You know I saw the same problem and wondered the same thing.
> > Hopefully someone has an answer.
> >
> > On Wednesday 27 June 2001 10:30, Terry wrote:
> > > I was curious ...
> > >
> > > I was watching "The Screensavers" on TechTV last night, when
> > > they aired a segment from the PC Expo in New York City.  The
> > > reporter there was talking about a new hard drive from Maxtor
> > > that will hold 100 GB of data. He also mentioned that M$
> > > windows (95, 98, ME, NT, 2000) uses 24-bit addressing, only
> > > allowing windows to recognize a single drive of 137 GB max.
> > >
> > > That made me curious .. what is the largest single drive size
> > > Linux would recognize?


For IDE the same limit applies to BOTH systems, however if you pay 
attention during 8.0 install, you will notice something available 
called LVM.  The size of an LV is ...  well see for yourself at....

http://www.linuxhq.com/kernel/v2.2/doc/ide.txt.html  for drive limits 
for IDE drives

How To Use *Big* ATA/IDE drives with Linux
The ATA Interface spec for IDE disk drives allows a total of 28 bits
(8 bits for sector, 16 bits for cylinder, and 4 bits for head) for 
individual disk sectors of 512 bytes each (in "Linear Block Address" 
mode, there is still only a total of 28 bits available in the 
This "limits" the capacity of an IDE drive to no more than 128GB 
All current day IDE drives are somewhat smaller than this upper 
limit, and
within a few years, ATAPI disk drives will raise the limit 

All IDE disk drives "suffer" from a "16-heads" limitation:  the 
hardware has
only a four bit field for head selection, restricting the number of 
heads to 16 or less.  Since the BIOS usually has a 63 sectors/track 
this means that all IDE drivers larger than 504MB (528Meg) must use a 
geometry with more than 1024 cylinders.

   (1024cyls * 16heads * 63sects * 512bytes/sector) / (1024 * 1024) 
== 504MB

(Some BIOSs (and controllers with onboard BIOS) pretend to allow "32" 
or "64"
 heads per drive (discussed below), but can only do so by playing 
games with
 the real (hidden) geometry, which is always limited to 16 or fewer 

This presents two problems to most systems:

        1. The INT13 interface to the BIOS only allows 10-bits for 
        addresses, giving a limit of 1024cyls for programs which use 

        2. The physical geometry fields of the disk partition table 
        allow 10-bits for cylinder addresses, giving a similar limit 
of 1024
        cyls for operating systems that do not use the "sector count" 
        instead of the physical Cyl/Head/Sect (CHS) geometry fields.

Neither of these limitations affects Linux itself, as it (1) does not 
use the
BIOS for disk access, and it (2) is clever enough to use the "sector 
fields of the partition table instead of the physical CHS geometry 

OK  Linux basically has no real limit, and furthernmore, a filesystem 
can now be bigger than a single disk.  The hardware limitation of the 
current mapping scheme for ATA drives applies to Windows and even the 
NT and Win2k systems despite their internal addressing ability.

For the mapping of a filesystem to (parts of) multiple disks, see 


Now since linux sees "sector count", and is capable of ignoring all 
the CHS stuff, the question is what size sectors--with physical 
sectors of 512 bytes we take the 32-bit unsigned integer which might 
be applied to sector count and see that it is 2 to the 31st power K  
or 2 to the 21st power M or 2 to the 11th power G, that is 2048G.  Of 
course if the platform is a 64-bit processor, the limit (within 
classical processor arithmetic) is 4 billion times that high.  If 
sector size is changed (as in the old windows "cluster size" dodge), 
then we are limited by imagination and efficiency.

But right now, the trick would be finding a platform that could see a 
disk bigger than 128M (IDE Only).  One solution is to change the 
BIOS, drastically.  If you are lucky enough to have a board with an 
Intel GX chipset or an SiS 630 or 730 chipset, there IS a BIOS 
available which will work wonders on disk size right here.


That wonderful no-limits BIOS?  Prepare for a shock, Billy.  We call 
that BIOS Gnu/Linux!  :-)  It boots up to framebuffer X in less than 
three seconds.


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